GSOC Long-answer questions

- Lakshya Shishir Khandelwal

Interest in App Inventor

My journey with MIT App Inventor sparked my passion for programming, enabling me to create apps and fostering creativity in high school projects. Now joining Google Summer of Code, I'm excited to contribute to MIT App Inventor's success, empowering others to explore app development and giving back to the community.

Interest in introductory programming

I've conducted a workshop on MIT App Inventor for my school juniors (grades 5-6). Platforms like App Inventor and Scratch ignite young minds, fostering creativity and enabling beginners to explore programming. I was one such beginner, and I'm passionate about making programming accessible to all.

Proposed summer project

This GSOC proposal aims to enhance the Blockly workspace multi-select plugin for MIT App Inventor by implementing two crucial improvements. Firstly, I intend to integrate the IDragger introduced in Blockly 11; currently, the multiselect plugin uses a custom block dragger for dragging multiple blocks. Once it's implemented it will make the plugin easier to maintain in the future. I will also focus on resolving the transparent SVG issue associated with DragSelect and Blockly, ensuring a visually cohesive interface and improving user interaction within the workspace. Here is the link to the proposal:

Proposal PDF

Proposal Google Doc

Experience with the development tools

I have experience with the development tools required for this project. I have worked with Git, GitHub, and have experience with JavaScript, React, and Node.js. I use Visual Studio Code as my primary code editor, and I use development tools like Postman for API testing. I have worked on Windows and Linux environments. I extensively use Google Chrome Developer Tools for debugging and testing web applications.

Experience with teams, online developer communities and large code bases

I have experience working with teams, online developer communities, and large codebases. I have worked on several projects with teams using tools like Slack, Trello, Gitter and Zoom for communication and collaboration. I have also been part of online developer communities like Stack Overflow, GitHub, and Reddit, where I have contributed to open-source projects and learned from other developers. I was very active in the MIT App Inventor community forum since school. I am active core member of SDSLabs from a year, SDSLabs is the student-run tech community of IIT Roorkee. In SDSLabs, I have worked on various projects and have experience working with large codebases.